There has been a lot of mystery surrounding the upcoming Hearthstone Expansion, appropriately titled “Rise of Shadows.” The story here is the villains from prior expansions (Dr. Boom, Hagatha, and Rafaam, to name a few) are teaming up in a Sinister Six style plot.
But maybe you don’t play Hearthstone for the deep lore and connections to Warcraft. That’s alright, because the gameplay is what personally interests me. Cards like Whirlwind Tempest, Kalecgos, and Blastmaster Boom have caught my eye, and may lead me to spend more time with Hearthstone than I currently am with Magic: The Gathering Arena.
If you log in now, you can start playing with free Legendary Minion Archmage Vargoth. There have already been some shenanigans involving this card in the subreddit. In fact, you can watch this card shuffle 59 Scrolls of Wonder into a player’s deck here.
I think there’s a lot to look forward to with this new expansion and I’m excited to see the meta of Hearthstone shift in a way that makes the game more fun for all players.