The OG of battle royale gaming, PUBG, is getting a big and much-wanted update that finally brings cross-play capabilities to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
You might be wondering what the big deal is but crossplay between Sony and Microsoft’s big machines has been a sticking point for some time. There was the whole philosophical debate over whether or not it should be done to begin and the holdout was Sony.
Well, those days largely seem to be history now. What this gamer can’t help but think about is how PUBG itself is one gigantic missed opportunity. It could have been Fortnite but it wasn’t and here we are talking about the consoles finally getting to play one another. Sigh.
Nonetheless, if you want an amazing game, PUBG has still got what it takes. It’s lost some of its luster from the early days but it is still gritty and real – and that’s what we like.
Here are the official patch notes from PlayerUnknown:
PUBG Update 6.2 Patch Notes
Grenade Changes
Frag Grenades:
- Vests now mitigate damage received from Frag Grenades, but vest durability isn’t reduced when taking damage from Frags.
- Damage mitigation amount is dependent on the level of vest worn by the player, with the same % reduction as for bullet damage.
- Frags will deal 20% less damage to prone players.
- Item weight increased by 50%.
- Each Frag Grenade now takes 27 inventory capacity, up from 18.
- Pulling the pin of a Frag is now louder and audible from further away.
Smoke Grenades:
- Decreased fuse time from 3 seconds to 1 second.
Stun Grenades:
- Increased indirect hit effect radius.
- Up to 6.5m, from 5.5m.
- Ringing sound now impacts players through walls
- This matches the Frag Grenade mechanic, although the impact effects a smaller radius.
- Added slight camera shake to players near the explosion.
Default fuse time mechanic:
- Stuns now explode 0.7 sec after first impact, or after fuse timer runs out, whichever comes first.
- Fuse time without cooking has been increased to 5 sec.
- 2.5 second fuse timer when cooking the stun remains unchanged,
Molotov Cocktail:
- Increased the speed at which fire spreads by 50%.
- Fire can now spread slightly further, with an increased damage radius.
- Changed the way fire spreads around objects. Fire will now more consistently reach the back side of objects (especially thin objects like trees).
- Re-introduced direct damage while standing in fire, in additional to existing damage over time.
- Players in fire will now take an additional 10 damage per second
- Fire now reaches higher and should be obstructed less by small objects.
- Frag and Stun Grade visual effects have also been updated, alongside a more realistic Frag Grenade sound.
Way Point feature
- The Way Point feature has been added to allow you to make strategic plans for the routes you take.
- You can use the feature only when activating the waypoint mode by pressing (LB: Xbox One / L1: PS4) while the map is open
- Press (R-Stick: Xbox One / R3: PS4) to mark Way Points on the map.
- You can place up to 4 points per group of Way Points.
- Press (Y: Xbox One / Triangle: PS4) to remove placed Way Points. When you place a new starting point somewhere else, the existing Way Points will all disappear.
- In Duo/Squad Mode, when a teammate places Way Points, they will appear on the map with a Radio Message.
Updated Blue Zone Effects
- Adjusted the Blue Zone effects
- Distortion effect has been removed
- Altered effect where the Blue Zone meets the ground, to more clearly identify the Blue Zone edge
- Lowered the top wall of the Blue Zone
- Updated visual shaders
- Effects will become more intense as phases progress
- Changed sounds for entering and exiting the Blue Zone
Parachute ‘Follow’
- Added parachute follow feature to help teammates land together
- During the pre-match countdown or before leaving the plane, follow UI will be shown at the bottom left of the screen.
- Hold left on D-Pad to activate follow UI
- Follow button will be highlighted once follow UI is activated
- Scroll up/down with D-Pad to choose a teammate to follow
- Teammates that already landed or yourself cannot be chosen
- After selecting a teammate to follow, you can cancel by selecting the follow button on the selected teammate, or holding (B: Xbox One / O: PS4) while actively following a player in your parachute.
- If you’re obstructed by terrain or an object, your follow will be cancelled.
Do you play PUBG? Does crossplay matter to you at all in a general sense? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section below if you like.