Destiny 2: New Light is a free-to-play experience that offers generous access to a myriad of Destiny 2 content. Compared to other no-pay releases, New Light packs a comprehensive bundle that encapsulates many major aspects of preceding Destiny 2 releases. From a new gamer’s perspective, this could be a great way to get up to speed with the series before you try out the latest expansion pack Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. So, what exactly does Destiny 2: New Light have in store for you?
Three story campaigns are available on this version. They don’t come in any sequential order, meaning you will not be locked out of any of these missions when you start playing. So, you are free to choose which campaign you want to play. The campaigns available to play are-
· Red Wars: The original Destiny 2 storyline that sees the Earth taken over by an extraterrestrial force called the Red Legion. You must take up the role of a ‘’Guardian’’ and fight to defend humanity and reclaim our rightful home.
· Curse of Osiris: Curse of Osiris is the first expansion pack released for Destiny 2 and is set on Mercury where the Guardians embark on a mission to extricate Osiris from the Vex.
· Warmind: Warmind is the second Destiny 2 expansion pack which centers around Anastasia Bray, a Golden Age scientist who is struggling to recollect her past memories. As the Hive army attacks Mars to destroy the Warmind Rasputin and free their god Xol, you need to team up with Bray to thwart their efforts.
You can navigate all locations within the Destiny 2 universe playing Destiny 2: New Light. You can even land on locations from Forsaken and Shadowkeep DLCs, but the related story missions are not available for free. You can join other players in public events, patrols and lost sectors. But again, free players will not have access to Forsaken and Shadowkeep loot. For example, you will not be able to find Ascending Chests or Corrupted Eggs as a free player in Dream City (from Forsaken) no matter how meticulously you probe the place.

You will have access to all Year 1 strikes as well as Vanguard armor and weapon rewards. The three-player PvE feature can be summed up as a bare bones Destiny 2 element that has infinite replay value. Each strikes lasts around 10-15 minutes and each time you get to take on a different challenge. Strikes are an XP goldmine and also quite fun to play as you get to encounter a variety of enemies. This is an easy way to acclimate to Destiny 2 warfare, knowing your weapons, and figuring out your loot cycle. If you are a seasoned Destiny 2 player then you’d love the inclusion of advanced strikes like Nightfall which offers greater rewards to make up for their increased difficulty levels. Two dungeons are also at the disposal of free players-the Whisper of the Worm sniper rifle dungeon (Year 1) and the Outbreak Perfected pulse rifle dungeon (Year 2).
Playing New Light you will have access to the Year 1 Leviathan raid and both of its raid layers Eater of Worlds and Spire of Stars. Unfortunately, these are the only raids that are available to free players. Raids are 6-player, multi-staged PvE content which can take hours to complete depending on your team’s skills. The fight mechanics are complex but exhilarating, closely resembling MMO gameplay. So, the raids feel like an FPS recreation of a World of Warcraft-style title.
The matchmaking PvP feature is also accessible in New Light. Every single Crucible content is open to access. Playlists, modes, maps, rewards-everything!

The Destiny 2 exclusive PvEvP mode Gambit is accessible to all New Light players too. Gambit was first introduced in Forsaken which is a mash-up between PvP and PvE. Here you team up in a four-member group and fight against game generated enemies and another group of four players. Killing enemies will earn you Motes which needs to be accumulated to summon the boss. You can also invade the rival group and claim their deposit of Motes. All Gambit activities including the latest Gambit Prime is part of the package.
Seasonal and regular events like the Iron Banner and Crimson Days aren’t limited to premium players only. You can participate in any of these events without a dime.
Black Armory Forges involve fighting mini combats to fend off trespassers and earn rewards. Even though they are Forsaken content, you can access them in New Light without buying the DLC.

The Menagerie from Destiny 2 Forsaken: Season of Opulence is another free mode that you can explore in New Light. This mode gives you the chance to win the weapon and armor of your choice by filling up the Chalice of Opulence with runes. In order to do so, you will be taking on opponents in turns every week.
Besides the launch gear, you can customize your look and beef up your defense with accessories. These items are known as Exotics, which will be brought to you by vendor Xur on weekends. These can drop after any activity-strikes, menagerie, raids anything! Most of the exotics available are Year 1 stuff alongside a few Year 2 exotics like Thunderlord and Bad Juju.