I must say I’m surprised by the little bit of Prey you have access to in the demo. Being unfamiliar with the series, I downloaded the first hour because of a friend’s recommendation. And I was immediately impressed. There’s good acting, a cool setting and enough complex game-play mechanics to have me itching for the full release. However, it’s reminiscent of one of my favorite games.

Your first weapon in the demo, and presumably the full game, is a wrench. Which is also the first thing you pick up in Bioshock. The visuals of Prey are more than a reminder of Rapture, some of them almost look like asset copies. My buddy can’t see it, but it’s almost like this game is some sort of Sci-Fi sequel to one of the best games of all time. I’m not complaining, mind you. It’s an improvement over Bioshock. For starters, it seems to have some more complex mechanics. And, no matter how much I love Bioshock, it’s not as scary as it was supposed to be. Prey, however, made me nervous almost immediately.

The similarities are one of the reasons I’m so pleased with the demo. It’s worth downloading the first hour, it definitely sold me on the idea. I’m excited to play the full game, and maybe review it here.