Blitzcrank happens to be a support champion that can play as a tank or mage. He’s versatile, so summoners like to play him in various roles and positions. That said, there is a good chance that you will come across Blitzcrank in the bottom lane.
Most bot laners fear Blitzcrank for his pulls and constant pressure. Even with an increasing cast, this is one name that keeps popping up all the time. There can be many reasons why laners find it difficult to beat Blitzcrank. If you are looking for ways to counter Blitzcrank, the following are a few quick tips to improve your game. In this post, we will provide you with five of the best Blitzcrank champion counters.

You can use Ezreal’s E when you are hit by Blitzcrank’s hook. This will save you from the hook so that you can get away from there safely. Once you get some good mana regen, you can use this trick all the time.

When Leona gets grabbed by Blitzcrank, all you have to do is stun him and return to your place. In case he grabs your ADC, you can engage him with your E and stun him. You can also go for his ADC and then come back to your place.

There are chances that Alistar can be pulled in by Blitzcrank. In such a situation Blitzcrank often gives Alistar the chance to go for his ADC or Q+W him.

If any of your allies are grabbed by Blitzcrank you can make use of Thresh’s lantern to get your ally back. You can even use your Flay to beat Blitzcrank and slow him down. If tries to attack you, stun him with your E.

To defend yourself from Blitzcrank grabs, you need Morgana’s shield. Make sure you keep it safe as you will need it a lot of times. This shield can make his Q useless. Proper shield management will make your life a lot easier against a Blitzcrank.
Prepare yourself for the invade
Blitzcranks usually invade at level 1, so therefore you should be prepared to face them. Your aim should be to avoid any sort of engagement. For this, you need to occupy an aggressive position and back off as soon as you spot him. The best thing to do is to occupy different positions, so you have better chances of potting Blitzcranks and his allies as they approach you.
Adapt your positioning
This is something that most players forget about. You need to occupy a position in the lane. For bot laners, they need to be close to each other so that they can both be a lane and a threat. Instead of focusing on the position of the allies, you should focus on Blitzcrank’s position. You need to make sure that you have at least one or two minions between you and him. The best thing to do would be to continuously switch your focus from his positioning to your positioning. The point here is not to stay hooked to him.
Other Tips
You should take advantage of the situation when Blitzcrank misses his hook or grab. This is the best time to harass him. Additionally, be careful even when your minions are between you and him. Blitzcrank can clear the wave of minions and then grab with little warning.
Blitzcrank may be difficult to handle, but with these tips, you can go a long way. You need to be alert and keep an eye on Blitzcrank’s positioning at all times.