World of Warcraft has taken countless hours from millions of gamer’s lives. Some of us have no regrets, others may disagree. What the majority of us can agree on, though, is that it is time for a new, fresh MMORPG that doesn’t involve Orgrimmar, Stormwind, or the Crossroads. While the pickings were slim, below are our top picks for currently available WoW alternatives.

Black Desert Online is a treat to the eyes! The game is visually so gorgeous that you won’t feel a shred of apathy during exploration. If you prefer to enjoy some fast paced action without having to go through a difficult learning curve, this is the game to go for. The story often feels to be lacking consistency, but it still manages to deliver the right amount of depth. You can also take part in massive PvP battles if you are in the mood for some binge gaming.

Final Fantasy XIV reminds us constantly why everyone deserves a second chance. Upon initial release, reviews for Final Fantasy XIV were so bad that many forecasted the demise of the Final Fantasy legacy. But developers Square Enix pulled a bunny out of their magic hat in the form of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The extension pack not only did enough to mend the flaws; it also established Final Fantasy XIV as one of the best MMORPGs other than World of Warcraft. This is an ingenious game with a vast, sprawling story that will send you on breathtaking adventures across its wonderful universe.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a massively underrated MMORPG that can serve as a great alternative to World of Warcraft. The game failed to bring in the amount of players the developers were originally hoping for. However, with nearly 200,000 active players a day, this game is no ghost town either. The game has its limitations, especially with its endgame dungeons. But once you are willing to overlook that, and commit yourself to the immersive storylines, you will find the game has a lot more to offer than you’d thought at first. Its movie like storytelling makes this game an enthralling Star Wars experience.

For a game released in 2012, Guild Wars 2 still has substantial fanfare. The game has a unique dynamic quest feature that assigns you quests as you go instead of visiting specified quest hubs. This allows you to taste a sense of achievement without having to invest long hours into the game. The amazing storyline easily draws in players. The game does start off on a hit and run. However, once you are past the first few stages, it picks up really nicely. The game presents a legion of story arcs to be explored with engaging gameplay mechanics.
Is there an MMORPG that you have played or are playing that isn’t World of Warcraft? Let us know in the comments below!