As both doctors and gamers, anything that bridges the gap between those two worlds is immediately interesting to us. Enter Blind Samurai– the first game that we are aware of that is made for visually impaired people- and we are excited to announce its existence! Here is the full press release that came out today:
Saskatchewan, Canada – 28 May 2017 – No eyes? No problem. Blind Samurai was built foremost for blind and visually impaired players. Dominate rival samurai with the flick of a wrist.
Headphones, please, because you can’t believe your eyes! Enemies are heard, not seen. Swipe left or right toward hostiles before they close the distance. Enemies sneak or run through several noise altering terrain. Whichever earbud their footsteps are heard in is the direction of approach. Blind Samurai has no intrusive menus and is playable on a whim.
“It is a very good and unique idea that is implemented very well.” – K. Farron, User Review.
Blind Samurai is the first of its genre. Sighted players will enjoy the crimson color palette and blood effects.
Blind Samurai is available now on Google Play for $0.99, and priced accordingly by region. 50% of game sale profits is donated to The AbleGamers Charity. An iOS port is being planned.