For the past few days as I’ve woken up in the morning and stepped outside, I feel like I can...
Read moreYou just sat through a day-long exam and you don’t know what to do with your life now. Do you...
Read moreThe mental health of healthcare personnel often takes a back seat to their work, even though it can directly affect...
Read moreVideo game usage may lower male libido according to a new pilot study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The article, entitled "Relationship...
Read moreI have early memories of playing my parents' NES. We had Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and Dr. Mario. We may...
Read moreThe console war between Xbox and PlayStation has been brewing for years now with each system trying to show its...
Read moreIf there is one thing I have learned over the past 9 months, its that by the end of every...
Read moreIn the age of instant gratification, having access to new entertainment is highly sought after and satiating for consumers, especially...
Read moreI remember the first time I played Final Fantasy. I was around 12 years old, had recently moved to the...
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