Subjective: Emberlight presents for review as a game which gives you a dungeon crawl in which your own party will eventually be your enemy.
Objective: Developed by ‘Quarter Onion Games‘, Emberlight is a dungeon crawler which may appear as a run-of-the-mill “roguelite”, but at the end of your quest you will fight off your own party to determine the boss for the next run you take.
Assessment: “Rogue lite” games are attractive and there is no shortage of options. Emberlight gives you a new layout every play through. You begin by selecting your level and each presents unique design elements and difficulty. You then have the option of changing your party members/classes. Each party member will have their own starting stats. You start with a ‘Pyromancer,’ ‘Blaze Knight’ or ‘Smoke-Shrouded.’ You are allowed to play duplicate classes, and additional characters unlock as you play which is a nice touch to adding variation. Each character starts with a slight variation on abilities, but as you quickly learn you will fill up those abilities in no time.
The visuals are very crisp with nice character models. Being a huge Diablo fan myself, I find it is a very similar style, striking a nice unique style of its own. Some props may be more crudely drawn but take nothing away from the visual experience as a whole. Also, I had a chance to play on a few different machines, and it runs well even on lower-end systems.
Overall, the game offers the RPG fan some good nuggets of adventure mixed with some options to build unique characters with abilities. I found myself sinking more time in with each play through.
The Review
If you enjoy rogue lite games, a little fantasy setting, along with crunching some stats while crawling through a dungeon, this game has your number. It offers great replay and plenty of ways to uniquely craft your team for the next run through!
- Never play the same game twice!
- Very crisp visuals
- No lack of ability variety
- Lack of variety in battle animations
- Can be a little overwhelming at the start, but stick with it!