Battle Against the Archadian Empire with New Gameplay Enhancements in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Players can return to Ivalice today and experience Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, with all new features and gorgeous remastered graphics for the first time on the Nintendo Switch system and the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X.
Based on the 12th numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series that has sold over 6 million units worldwide, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017) re-worked the game’s design and re-mastered its graphics in full-HD. The game is set in the fascinating and magical world of Ivalice. In short, the small kingdom of Dalmasca is caught between warring empires Archadia and Rozarria. The lone heir to the Dalmascan throne, Princess Ashe, has dedicated herself to creating a resistance to liberate her homeland.

This version includes the ability to switch soundtracks from modern to classic, a trial mode, as well as a variety of new enhancements including:
- License Reset Function: By talking to Clan Centurio’s leader Montblanc in Rabanastre, players can reset and change their party member’s jobs, allowing them to customize the jobs of their party as desired.
- Additional Gambit Sets: Gambits allow players to customize their party’s AI. Players can now create three unique sets, allowing players to switch between sets for different situations, such as map exploration or boss fights.
- Improved “New Game+”: Allows users to start the game with party members at level 90 and carry over some items like weapons, magic and gils obtained during previous playthroughs
- Specific to Xbox One X – Supports 60fps
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is now available physically and digitally on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. The Switch version is currently on sale on Amazon!