I know there’s a lot that can be said about the controversy surrounding Fortnite and PUBG right now. But I’d rather talk about what really matters to gamers: the games. PUBG has taken the industry by storm, but Fortnite’s new free-to-play mode has something fresh but familiar to offer to the battle royale genre.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never played the Fortnite base game. My only experience with it at all is the new game mode. I’ve managed to make it into the top 10 in PUBG singles, and scored 2nd in a Fortnite: Battle Royale match. That’s the extent of my experience.
PUBG of course is a blast, and offers a difficult style of game that has left many wanting to spend hours playing. But the new Fortnite game mode is fresh, fun, and just different enough that it currently has my attention. I even find myself logging into it more often than PUBG.

It’s hard to say what about Fortnite is so appealing. It’s definitely more accessible to the average player (and that’s not just because it’s free). It’s simpler. The weapon and ammo types are simpler. There are fewer tiered items. The matches are shorter than PUBG. etc.
But aside from the good game-feel and simplicity of Fortnite, I’d have to say the building mechanic and destructible environments are really what set it apart. If your opponent is hiding on the roof? Build some stairs up there to sneak a shotgun blast (given you’ve collected enough materials). Is your final competitor hiding behind a tree? Shoot it enough times, and it’ll disappear.
This is definitely worth looking into if you want a quick casual game, and enjoy the Battle Royale genre. The expansion is free to play; there is no need to have the base game to get into the action.