At an original price tag of $40, the sale makes Team Sonic Racing even cheaper.
Team Sonic Racing, the latest in the renaissance of chaotic, arcade-style, racers centered around large franchises, was released on May 21st, 2019. It has since reached the top spot in this week’s UK charts. The game is the first to do so since Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games came out in 2008. It is also on sale on Amazon for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
PC players can grab the game as well, available as a digital only release. It is, however, currently at its normal retail price. Attention to Humble Bundle’s offer on the PC version of the game is recommended as prices could drop on that outlet as well.
SEGA was of course behind Team Sonic Racing. It features 15 beloved Sonic characters including the likes of Knuckles, Metal Sonic, and Shadow the Hedgehog. In addition, there are 21 tracks based on the Sonic Universe. It also boasts an impressive soundtrack including tracks by the iconic Sonic series sound director Jun Senoue and the musicians behind the 2016 Sonic Adventure Music Experience.

While official reviews have been average, user reviews have been favorable. Common complaints mainly center around the lack of content when compared to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Our feeling is that inevitable DLC and the game’s price tag make the purchase well worth it. Most users, which of course may be SEGA loyalists, speak highly of the game, calling it worthy of the Sonic label. Take that for what its worth but we’re chalking it up as a good sign.
Whether you opt for the Team Sonic Racing sale or Crash Team Racing will be a matter of preference. Those looking for a new game experience, however, may opt for the Hedgehog and his friends. Or you will buy both, like much of the gaming community likely will anyways.