Overwatch Chicago League Season 2 is now in full swing! Sadly, my team, Team Jade, went 1-2 for week 1, but we are still totally in it! Today at DoG we continue our PS4 vs PC hero comparisons with the game’s most loud, proud, and biggest B.O.S.S./hoss- Roadhog! If this is your first read of the series, check out my initial experience in transitioning from PS4 to PC here.
I was immediately lured to Roadhog when I first purchased the game (for PS4). He had that brute, warrior-ish type of build that I always pick when starting a new game. It was a lot of fun, but I didn’t quite understand how to use him at that point, and therefore I shied away from Roadhog in favor of Solider, D.Va, and other heroes. As I transitioned to PC and up until currently, I still don’t play him regularly in competitive mode, but if I’m tanking (usually with D.Va or Zarya) and I notice that we just aren’t getting any crucial picks, I’ll switch over to the Boss Hog.
Mobility Being large and in charge has its consequences, and that usually comes in the form of mobility. He is equally slow on both Platforms.
Roadhog’s “Chain Hook” is probably the most infamous skill in the game. I can’t think of a single other skill that is more controversial or criticized. Why, you ask? Because it is downright game changing. It does require a bit of aim, though, and to that end it is better experienced on PC. “Take a Breather” and its healing output is dangerously powerful on both platforms. His “Scrap Gun” is more shotgun-style and doesn’t require pinpoint aim (and as such isn’t a whole lot different on console vs. PC).
“Whole Hog”, if used correctly, can decisively turn the tide of a match. It’s use is largely situational but those situations are pretty much the same on console and PC. This one is a wash. Fun Factor If you’re landing hooks, you are having an absolute blast playing Roadhog. The improved aim with a mouse vs. a controller allows for more hooks landed. Therefore, it stands to reason that Roadhog is more fun on PC, and I agree with this theory.
At the end of the day Roadhog lives and dies by the hook. Since the hook has a better flow and impact on PC given the better aim, PC Roadhog takes the cake here (both literally and figuratively).